An emblematic artist of the Palestinian underground community, SAMA' is the first DJ to have imported the Techno movement to Ramallah.
Pianist from a young age, she started mixing in 2006 for parties organized around
Ramallah, before starting to produce his own music in 2010.
Its sound: a powerful techno, both dry and musical, all with a twist quite personal. SAMA' has mixed in several events in the Middle East (Cairo, Amman, Ramallah, Haifa) and Europe (London, Wales, Paris, Antwerp, Bordeaux, Marseille, Rome).
En mai 2016, SAMA’ s’est associée à Eka3, en Égypte, première plateforme régionale vouée à la promotion, à la production, à la distribution et au booking des artistes indépendants du monde
arabe. Avec eux, elle a fondé la première agence d’édition en musique de la région, AWYAV.

© Aurélia Mazoyer, 2016.
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