PhD student in contemporary sexual practice and mediator of love for equality of emancipation.

She claims the fight against validism by placing her anus in the wake of the emancipation struggles of dominated people, and this from an intersectional perspective. Star curator and porn lover, she rebels by taking care of disabled lesbian artists who do not know how to get out of the stream and reaffirming her identity, against pigs who reign supreme over the bushy jungle of contemporary art. After questioning the resilience of entomopathogenic toxins in residential facilities for dependent elderly people, she proposes a performance on love. Kiss Refers to the place of women, feminist thought, gender binarity, minors, to be part of a questioning of the injunction to the norm and great deconstruction.

John Deneuve proposes a choreographic writing that articulates the notions of deconstruction of the body, gender, memory, arts and culture. The text, directly related to what is happening on stage, addresses the notions of domination and invisibility of people with disabilities and LGBT minorities.

Interprètes : John Deneuve et Lazaro Benitez Diaz
Conception, texte, son : John Deneuve
Technicien son : Jean Christophe Andreoni
Costumes : John Deneuve et Nacer Belhaoues au Pied de Poule
Lumière : Clémy Jardon
Soutiens : Le collectif IDEM, Montevideo
Accueil en résidence : Montévidéo


John Deneuve

Born in 1976, lives and works in Marseille. A multidisciplinary artist, she develops a protean plastic universe, with installations, videos, performances, paintings... She likes to point out nonsense, to introduce disorder in organized situations of the collective. His work questions the injunction to the standard. 

In parallel with the Kiss show for the TRANSFORM Festival! #4, John Deneuve exhibits at SoMA. 

Her exhibition, Cruising, fait l’objet d’une collaboration entre SoMA et le Festival TRANSFORM!.

Pass Soirée, à partir de 15 €

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